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Toddler pulled from pool, revived by neighbor's lifesaving CPR

A father found his son not breathing and floating face down in the family's pool Sunday. Two neighbors are credited with saving the boy's life.

A 2-year-old is believed to have wandered out of the house and into the pool on Maddelein off Moross on Detroit's east side.

Neighbors said they heard the father screaming and jumped into action.

As Chandra and Daryl Smith sat in their backyard, they said they keep thinking about what happened in the yard next door.

"I heard someone holler, and when I looked out the window someone was pulling the baby out of the pool," Chandra Smith said.

The neighbor's 2-year-old boy somehow wandered out of the house and climbed into an above-ground pool. A ladder was attached to the pool at the time.

"We ran to the back and saw the baby was in the pool," Daryl Smith said. "The father took him out (of) the pool and he wasn't breathing."

"As I ran to the front, the grandfather was yelling if anyone knew CPR," Chandra Smith said.

The Smiths happened to be certified for life-saving skills, so they jumped into action and started CPR in an effort to get the boy breathing. They performed compression for about five minutes.

"He started breathing. He started crying," Chandra Smith said.

The Smiths said they are thankful they were at home, but admitted they had some concerns when the pool went up this summer.

"I would see children that were not monitored regularly," Chandra Smith said.

The father didn't wait on an ambulance. He rushed the boy to the hospital once he started breathing.

The Smiths said they are praying the boy recovers and hopes this serves as reminder to everyone.

"No matter what age your children are, big or small, please monitor when in a pool," Chandra Smith said.

About the Authors
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Dawn Jorgenson, Graham Media Group Branded Content Managing Editor, began working with the group in April 2013. She graduated from Texas State University with a degree in electronic media.
