Federal prosecutor charged with assaulting mother, voicemails from mother tell what happened

Michael Bullotta charged with domestic violence

DETROIT – A federal prosecutor who worked on the case against former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick has been charged with assaulting his 78-year-old mother, and voicemails from his mother tell her side of the story.

Michael Bullotta, a U.S. attorney in Detroit, was charged April 12 with misdemeanor domestic violence after an incident on April 9 in which he is accused of assaulting his mother.

“Michael has thrown me out of the house. He hit me,” his mother said in one of two voicemails about the incident.

“He said he picked up me from the floor, the liar. He shoved me to the floor and he hit both sides of my face. And he lied.”

His attorney said the charge for allegedly assaulting his mother is outrageous and questions the motives behind the voicemails.

“Who else was involved? Did someone have her do it? Did they give her transcript of what to read, and why?” attorney Pamela Szydlak said.

Bullotta is not to have contact with his mother.

Despite the domestic violence charges, he continues to work at the federal courthouse in Detroit, where he is leading a corruption case out of Macomb County.

Here is the full statement from Szydlak:

"Michael Bullotta has an unassailable track record as a federal prosecutor for protecting the Detroit metropolitan community from violent criminals and corrupt politicians at the highest levels.

It is truly unfortunate that Michael's continual willingness to provide care for his elderly mother has resulted in an unfounded misdemeanor charge.

Michael believes with all his heart in the American criminal justice system, one that he has spent his life selflessly serving. He knows he will be exonerated and prays more that his family will will be repaired."

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Derick is the Lead Digital Editor for ClickOnDetroit and has been with Local 4 News since April 2013. Derick specializes in breaking news, crime and local sports.
