Construction crews damage UFO Factory bar in Detroit's Corktown

Bar is closed indefinitely due to damage

DETROIT – A popular bar in Detroit's Corktown has been damaged by construction crews working on a nearby retail and residential development.

UPDATEUFO Factory bar in Detroit's Corktown back open after construction incident

The small bar-club on Trumbull Ave in Corktown is closed indefinitely due to the damage.

We're told crews dug a hole too close to the bar and damaged the building's foundation. 

Dion Fischer, owner of the bar, told The Metro Times that the building isn't looking good.

"(The construction crew) just destroyed the north side of our building — it's structurally compromised," Fischer told MT. "It hasn't fallen down yet, but it's tipped about 15 degrees."

The development, Elton Park, is a $44 million project that kicked off in the spring. More on that here.

UFO Factory in Corktown is a pretty unique Detroit bar that offers music, movies, live music and fancy hot dogs.

About the Author
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Ken Haddad has been with Local 4/ClickOnDetroit since 2013. He helps lead news coverage and content across broadcast and digital platforms. He's from the Metro Detroit area, and loves covering important news (and sports) in his hometown.