Dundee Community Schools issues alert after suspicious encounter between student and man

Man offered ride to student several times

Dundee Community Schools issued an alert Tuesday urging people to be cautious of an unknown man who approached a student and offered a ride several times.

DUNDEE, Mich. – Dundee Community Schools issued an alert Tuesday urging people to be cautious of an unknown man who approached a student and offered a ride several times. 

The suspicious encounter happened this morning, Dundee Police Chief Tim Garbo said.

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The student told school officials that while walking to school Tuesday morning along Toledo Street, an unknown man in his 60s or 70s asked the student several times if they wanted a ride.

The student declined each time and continued to school.The man is described as white, with a thin build, gray hair, glasses and clean shaven.

The subject was driving a later model black pickup with gray stripe. Dundee Community Schools put out an alert to all residents about the situation.

The Dundee Police Department will have extra personnel on duty and on alert for any suspicious activity to help keep our students safe, and is urging people to report suspicious vehicles or individuals to police.