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Who is John Delaney, Democratic candidate for president?

Former US House member was first Democrat to declare candidacy

In honor of his favorite song by legendary artist Bruce Springsteen, John Delaney hopes to pave his own “Thunder Road” all the way to becoming the biggest boss in the United States.

Delaney was the first Democratic candidate to announce he was running for president in July of 2017, and he hopes his journey – from growing up in New Jersey to becoming a Georgetown Law Center graduate to working as a successful businessman to serving as a member of the House of Representatives – will appeal to voters in the coming months.

Delaney’s background is in business, as he co-founded two companies that were publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange.

The first one was Health Care Financial Partners and the second one was CapitalSource, which both specialized in providing loans to small and midsize companies.

In 2004, Delaney was given the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award.

In 2012, Delaney decided to venture into politics and was elected to the House of Representatives in Maryland’s 6th District.

Delaney ended up winning two more terms before announcing he wouldn’t run for re-election in 2018 to focus solely on his presidential bid.

“Coming from the private sector, I also know that the only way to get things done in Washington is to put aside partisan rhetoric and find common ground,” Delaney said on his website.  

If voters start to like Delaney’s message in the coming months, get ready for a lot of Springsteen songs on the campaign trail. 

Click here to see more news about John Delaney.


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