Video shows Mateen Cleaves naked with accuser outside hotel

Attorney says video was shown in court, jury made decision

Surveillance video from outside a Grand Blanc, Mich. hotel shows former Michigan State University basketball star Mateen Cleaves and the woman who accused him of sexual assault.

Video shows a naked Cleaves pulling a woman, who is also naked, back into a hotel room and motioning to a driver inside a white van.

Cleaves' defense team said in court he was simply trying to prevent her from running off without any clothes on. Cleaves' attorney released a statement following the release of the video:

"The whole video along with all the evidence was presented in a court of law. The jury found Mr. Cleaves not guilty of all charges. The complainant had her day in court. The criminal matter is closed. Not guilty remains not guilty."

Cleaves was charged with criminal sexual conduct, assault with intent to commit criminal sexual conduct and unlawful imprisonment. He was accused of assaulting a 24-year-old woman after a charity golf event and a visit to a Flint-area bar in 2015.

A district judge dismissed the charges in 2016, but a circuit court reinstated them on appeal.

All charges were dismissed Tuesday.

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