What’s your biggest pet peeve at work?

Cleanliness important factor to job satisfaction

DETROIT – Cleanliness is a big pet peeve for a lot of people at work, according to a survey from Stratus Building Solutions.

The survey found that cleanliness was the No. 1 factor in job satisfaction among people who work in an office.

Personal hygiene was something many surveyed people complained about, including complaints about co-workers who floss their teeth or clip their nails in their cubicle. According to the survey, 68 percent of people said men were dirtier at work than women.

Other top pet peeves include co-workers who talk too loudly on the phone, people who use another co-worker’s space and leave their mess behind, and people who bring smelly lunches to work.

The survey also found the dirtiest place in an office wasn’t the bathroom or kitchen area -- it was the printer.