Construction on Grosse Ile bridge creates commuting problems, delays for residents

Wayne County being proactive to ensure safety of residents

GROSSE ILE, Mich. – Progress is being made in Grosse Ile where construction crews are working around the clock on a bridge that was closed by Wayne County.

Local 4 was there Saturday watching construction crews work around the clock on the project.

Crews started to repair the bridge on Grosse Ile using heavy duty equipment.

The bridge is closed until further notice because it needs immediate repairs. Beverly Watts, director of the Wayne County Department of Public Services said she had no choice.

“We were notified by our consultants that the load rating posting for that bridge which was at 26 tons, had dramatically reduced to 0.0. In my mind that is critical,” said Watts.

The closure forced people living on Grosse Ile to use the toll bridge as the only way to enter and exit the area. Sky Four flew above Friday night during rush hour. Traffic stretched as far as the eyes as they can see. Drivers said their commute time doubled, some going from one hour to three hours, just to get home.

RELATED: Drivers line up for miles to get on Grosse Ile after bridge closed for repairs

Meanwhile Watts said she would rather be safe than sorry.

“I’ll be honest with you, I much rather for you to be talking to me about residents who are really angry because Wayne County was proactive as soon as we obtained some information about the condition of the bridge. We’re saving individuals as opposed to the alternative, which I think you and I both know what that is,” said Watts.

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