Think you know the Jimmy Hoffa story? Think again

First episode of 'Shattered: Hoffa’ to be released Dec. 3

July 30, 1975: Jimmy Hoffa disappears from the Machus Red Fox parking lot in Bloomfield Township. Sometime between 2:15-3:30 p.m., Hoffa is believed to have called his wife and friend Louis Linteau from a nearby pay phone. It was the last time anyone heard from Jimmy Hoffa. He was legally declared dead in 1982.

BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP, Mich. – The new Martin Scorsese movie “The Irishman” has revived the buzz around Jimmy Hoffa’s disappearance, but many Hoffa investigators call it more fiction than fact.

So, what’s the real story? Over the past six months, we’ve tracked down key players in the Hoffa investigation, and this week, we will launch a podcast series and TV special with some surprising answers.

Hoffa’s story leads to the casinos of Las Vegas, mob bosses around the country, the FBI, CIA, and even the Kennedy assassination. If you think you know the Jimmy Hoffa story, think again.

On Monday night, we are gathering at Andiamo Restaurant in Bloomfield Township. Why Andiamo, you might ask? Well, it’s because Andiamo used to be the infamous Machus Red Fox Restaurant, where Hoffa was last seen alive on July 30, 1975. It seemed like the perfect place to talk all things Hoffa.

Joining me for the conversation will be former U.S. Attorney Keith Corbett, who spent much of his time as the Chief of Organized Crime Strike Force, and Scott Burnstein, author and organized crime expert.

Watch the trailer for Season 4 of Shattered: Hoffa