Flashpoint 8/30/20: Detroit police chief discusses protests that have shaken up city this summer

Watch Flashpoint every Sunday at 10 a.m. on Local 4 News

DETROIT – With the shooting of Jacob Blake racial tensions are crackling like a wildfire.

Back at home, Detroit Police Chief James Craig James Craig tells protesters there will be no Seattle in Detroit.

Craig along with columnist Eugene Robinson made appearances on Flashpoint Sunday to discuss the protests against police brutality that have shaken up Detroit and cities across the country.

Gerry Anderson, DTE Executive Chairman also made an appearance on the show to discuss a campaign called Rona 4 Real. The campaign is aimed at those between the ages of 18 to 29 who might not be coming down with COVID-19, but seem to be considerable carriers of the virus.

Segment One

Detroit Police Chief James Craig

Segment Two

Columnist Eugene Robinson

Segment Three

Gerry Anderson, DTE Executive Chairman