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Detroit plans to install 4,500 speed humps in 2021

Speed hump installation in the 18800-18900 block of Puritan, in front of Cooke STEM Academy (City of Detroit)

DETROIT – The City of Detroit announced an expansion of a program to install speed humps in city neighborhoods and slow speed streets.

The city started testing the speed hump program in 2018 as a method to reduce speeding and improve safety in city neighborhoods. Now, under Mayor Mike Duggan’s plan, the Department of Public Works will nearly quadruple the number of speed hump installations it performs next year to 4,500, up from the previous high of 1,200 this year.

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For the 2021 program, the city says it has allocated $11.5 million that will come from state transportation funds, as well planned capital projects that have been reprioritized.

“Probably the single biggest neighborhood concern we have been hearing from residents this year is speeding and reckless driving along residential side streets, so it’s not surprising that the speed hump program has become so wildly popular,” said Mayor Duggan. “We know this is a priority for residents, so we are making the expansion of this effort one of our highest priorities for the next year.”

The 4,500 locations for speed humps will be on streets with a 25 mph speed limit. Installation will start next spring on sites determined by the road engineering department based on 3 criteria:

  • Traffic counts on street
  • Number of children living on the street
  • DPD or other reports of excessive speeding on the street

Specific emphasis will be placed on streets often used as a cut-through, or shortcut to bypass major road traffic.

“Each location will be evaluated and selected based on these criteria, so each neighborhood is treated equally,” said DPW Director Ron Brundidge. “Our hope is that the additional 4,500 speed humps will help to create safer neighborhoods across the city for pedestrians, motorists, cyclists and anyone else traveling on our residential streets.”

The city says it is looking to work with smaller, Detroit based, minority-owned asphalt companies to complete this work. Interested parties should contact DPW this season at 313-224-3901, to develop an understanding of the required work, and what they will need to do to put themselves in a position to bid on the work next year. Work is expected to begin in Spring of 2021.

About the Author
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Ken Haddad has been with Local 4/ClickOnDetroit since 2013. He helps lead news coverage and content across broadcast and digital platforms. He's from the Metro Detroit area, and loves covering important news (and sports) in his hometown.