Inside AAFD’s training; homeowners sue for Ann Arbor zip code; Crumbl Cookies opens

A firefighter rolls a hose as part of AAFD training on Sept. 30, 2020. (Meredith Bruckner)

Happy Friday and happy October!

Even though fall officially arrived last week, this week’s chilly temperatures made summer seem like a distant memory. Also this week, the Ann Arbor Fire Department began special training in a stretch of vacant buildings set to be demolished on South U. A4 got an inside look into the realistic simulations. Nothing quite makes you appreciate the dangerous job more than being in a room full of blinding smoke.

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Have a great weekend.

- Meredith (@meredith_A4)

What’s been happening:

📈 The University of Michigan added off-campus testing to its COVID-19 dashboard this week, resulting in a “significant increase” of reported cases. (A4)

🏠 The city of Ann Arbor wants your input on potential affordable housing sites. Take its survey or learn when you can join the city’s upcoming Zoom sessions addressing the topic. (A4)

🚧 A section of First Street downtown is closed for roadwork through November. Here are more details about the closure. (A4)

💉 According to a Mott Children’s poll, one in three parents plan to skip their child’s flu shot during the coronavirus pandemic. (A4)

🚲 U-M campus police have reported a rise in bicycle thefts since August. Here’s what they recommend community members do to keep their bikes safe. (A4)

🏈 As COVID-19 cases rise on U-M’s campus, how will the upcoming football season -- with its traditional tailgates and parties -- affect the spread? “It’ll just be up to us,” wrote one student. (Michigan Daily)

Good to know:

👕 Buy a cool T-shirt for a cause. Support the Michigan and State theaters by purchasing one (or several) of these T-shirts featuring their iconic marquees. (A4)

🐶 Speaking of the Michigan Theater, it is now taking funny animal video submissions for its first-ever Quarantine Feature Creature Festival. More events like this, please. (A4)

🍪 Psst! Utah-based Crumbl Cookies just opened in town, and it will be giving out free chocolate chip cookies as part of Free Cookie Day today. You’re welcome. (A4)

🎵 This video of local Rabbi Josh Whinston blowing a massive shofar outside iconic Ann Arbor landmarks and institutions is entertainment you didn’t know you needed right now. (The Jewish News)

Feature interview of the week:

“We’re in Ann Arbor Public Schools, Ann Arbor utilities, we get food delivery and everything from Ann Arbor yet we have an Ypsilanti zip code. We just feel like we should be part of our neighborhood.”

- Kathy Marx, homeowner in a Superior Township neighborhood that is suing USPS to switch to an Ann Arbor zip code

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