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Brandon Roux, son fight Type 1 diabetes together

Roux family urges everyone to support JDRF Walk this weekend

DETROIT – I will look back one day and wonder why I worried so much and why I had any fears. But right now, my parental pride is mixed with some fear and sadness for my two children.

My 10-year-old son, Christian, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes about a month ago, and it breaks my heart because I am the reason he will have to battle this disease. I was diagnosed at the age of 26 and was so confused and shaken. I cannot imagine what goes through Christian's mind.

We went for a back to school physical and were caught off guard by the nurse's discovery of glucose in Christian's urine sample. He had no visible symptoms.

I went through severe symptoms of major weight loss, constant and unquenchable thirst and urination. It was rough.

My son had gained weight over the summer and was just as normal as any kid on the block. But once the doctor checked his blood sugar, Christian was immediately admitted to the hospital.

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That experience was life changing because we saw so many children in the pediatric ICU with aggressive diseases and cancers and Christian saw that T1D was not so bad.

He has a dad to guide him through the ups and downs of pricking his fingers for blood, and taking shots of insulin all over his body. Again, he has been a very willing and aggressive in treating this disease. And, I could not be more proud.

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Here's the challenge: I have an 8-year-old daughter. Is she next?

The kind group at St. Johns Pediatric Endocrinology are testing her.

They drew blood (she was terrified and screamed through the entire process) and sent that blood to be tested. The lab work will indicate whether or not there are antibodies or red flags in her blood that would indicate if she is likely to be the next Roux with Type 1 diabetes.

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It will take another month or so to get the results back and even when we get them, what do we do? There's nothing right now we can do to stave off the disease. But, a heads up is something we did want.

The Rouxs are walking in the JDRF Walk To Cure Diabetes this Sunday at the GM Tech Center in Warren. There's one in Dexter, too.

The money raised goes to research and right now they are working on a treatment that would at least prolong the onset of the disease for those who test positives for these antibodies as my daughter might.

They are also ready to release the "portable pancreas." That's a device that tests your blood sugar and administers insulin or glucose when needed without any finger pricking or shots or anything. It's like not having diabetes anymore except for having to wear this small device.

The outlook is good. The future is promising and we still need your help.

Follow the link below and join our WDIV Local 4 Team and donate if you can. Times are tough for many, whether it's health or finances. So, if you just want to come and walk with us and see and feel the courage and spirit of all the families dealing with T1D, please do.

Click here to join the JDRF One Walk or donate.

To learn more about the Type 1 diabetes screening program for family members, click here or call 800-HALT-DM1.

For more information on the Warren JDRF Walk To Cure Diabetes or to make a donation, click here.

For more information on the Dexter JDRF Walk To Cure Diabetes or to make a donation, click here.