Attacked on the job: Officials say Detroit Fire Department medic assaulted by woman’s son while trying to help her

Officials say 31-year-old man stormed in demanding an update on his mother before attacking medic

DETROIT – A Detroit fire EMS medic, who was called to help a woman at her home on Detroit’s west side, was attacked by the woman’s 31-year-old son.

Officials said Detroit EMS was called to the home Sunday, July 18, on American Avenue to help the woman, who was having chest pains and difficulty breathing. Medics were helping her in her bedroom when she said her son stormed in, demanding that they update him.

One medic reached out asking the son to calm down. The woman and Detroit fire officials said the man pushed the medic before hitting him in the head.

Local 4 Defenders obtained the 911 call from a medic frantically calling for help.

“You’ve got us trying to help somebody and then being attacked, not a good thing. He could have been seriously injured,” said Detroit fire Deputy Commissioner Dave Fornell.

The street was full of first responders trying to protect the medics. Neighbors could not get into their homes.

The man’s brother got him outside, but he continued to rage.

“It’s inexcusable. We are helping people and getting attacked. That is not the right thing,” Fornell said.

Officials said the man would not calm down and was tased. Both he and his mother were taken to a hospital to be checked out.

The medic who was attacked was taken to the hospital for treatment, released and is now recovering. His partner took himself out of service, both distraught by what happened.

Watch the full report in the video above.

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