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Danielle Stislicki still missing 2 years later: 78 search warrants granted

28-year-old Farmington Hills woman vanished Dec. 2, 2016

FARMINGTON HILLS, Mich. – Two years since Danielle Stislicki went missing, the Local 4 Defenders have learned 78 different search warrants have been granted in the case.

Just recently police searched in Stoney Creek. Sources said they are targeting areas that  Floyd Galloway Jr. was known to visit. Galloway is the former security guard who worked with Danielle who was named a person of interest in her disappearance. 

Floyd Galloway Jr. at his sentencing on Dec. 8, 2017. (WDIV)

He is now in prison serving 16-35 years after admitting to strangling and sexually assaulting a jogger in Hines Park in Livonia just a few months before Danielle's disappeared. Galloway has never been charged in Stislicki's case. 

"We're leaving that up to the Farmington Hills Police Department, and the team of folks that they have that are engaged and doing it the proper way. Because I want a search that if it brings something up, there's no doubt that the evidence was handled in the right way," said Ann Stislicki, Danielle's mother. 

The Stislickis enter this holiday season and second anniversary of Danielle's disappearance weary and still hopeful that someday they will find out what happened to their daughter, and justice will be served. 

VIEW HERE: A timeline in the case of Danielle Stislicki

"It is also very challenging to try and continue to do life, having such a burden on you. When you know that all it takes is for one individual person to make a difference," said Ann. 

The family believes that one person is Galloway.

Call police with information

If anyone has information on Danielle Stislicki's disappearance, please call the Farmington Hills police command desk at 248-871-2610

While the family deals with the mystery surrounding Danielle's disappearance, there is something else they are dealing with: bill collectors. Danielle had college loans, a car, and other bills. Now bill collectors continue to call, write, and contact her parents for the money.

It’s another weekly -- sometimes daily -- reminder of the loss of their child. The collectors won’t stop until Danielle is legally ruled deceased, so it appears the constant calls will not stop.

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About the Author
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Karen Drew is the anchor of Local 4 News First at 4, weekdays at 4 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. She is also an award-winning investigative reporter.