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Eclipse in Michigan: How and when to watch

Peak eclipse time in Detroit is 2:27 p.m. Monday

Michigan isn't in the path of totality for Monday's solar eclipse.

However, that doesn't mean you can't see anything. The weather is supposed to be clear enough for people in Michigan to catch a partial solar eclipse -- about 80 percent of the eclipse. You can do that by using special eclipse glasses or by using the old cardboard cutout/paper plates hole technique.

Meteorologist Paul Gross demonstrates that method: 

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Paul is standing with his back to the sun in anticipation of the moon's shadow blocking the punched-out hole in the cardboard. This technique is actually a lot cooler than it looks. You should be able to see the outline of the moon as it passes by the sun. It's better than nothing. 

Reminder: You cannot look at the sun, even during an eclipse, without the special glasses -- you risk going blind, or at least severe damage to your eyesight, if you don't use the glasses. 

Seriously, don't look at the sun if you don't have the special glasses.  

Here's when to watch in Michigan's major metro areas: 

Grand Rapids

  • 12:58 p.m. -- partial eclipse begins
  • 2:22 p.m. -- maximum eclipse time
  • 3:43 p.m. -- partial eclipse ends


  • 1:00 p.m. -- partial eclipse begins
  • 2:24 p.m. -- maximum eclipse time
  • 3:45 p.m. -- partial eclipse ends


  • 1:03 p.m. -- partial eclipse begins
  • 2:27 p.m. -- maximum eclipse time
  • 3:47 p.m. -- partial eclipse ends


Detroit eclipse countdown


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Watch eclipse live stream

If you don't feel like going outside and waiting for the partial eclipse in Michigan, be sure to watch the live stream here on ClickOnDetroit. We will have a stream of the eclipse from the path of totality. 

"Solar Eclipse: Through the Eyes of NASA" 

NASA will offer hours of coverage online (available here on ClickOnDetroit) and on NASA Television beginning at noon Eastern. It plans livestreaming of the eclipse beginning at 1 p.m. EDT with images from satellites, research aircraft, high-altitude balloons and specially modified telescopes.


Next eclipse is April 8, 2024

A better opportunity for Michiganders to see a total solar eclipse is April 8, 2024, when the path of totality could make its way into Toledo, Ohio. If you want to wait another seven years, that will be a much quicker drive for anyone who wants to see the total solar eclipse firsthand.