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Who is Joe Biden, Democratic candidate for president?

Former vice president is making second bid for presidency

This one is for Beau.

As Joe Biden agonized over whether to run for president in 2016 after serving two terms as vice president under Barack Obama, Biden cited the tragic death of his 46-year-old son, Beau, as a reason he decided not to run.

Biden said the death of Beau Biden, who died of brain cancer, took an emotional toll on him and he couldn’t pour all he wanted into a campaign for president.

But four years and admitted regrets later, Biden is giving it a try.

In an announcement that was speculated on and anticipated for months, Biden entered the race for president April 24 when he became the latest Democrat to seek the party’s nomination.

It’s the second time Biden has run for president.

In 1988, he hoped to become the youngest president since John F. Kennedy but didn’t make it out of the primary. 

Now, Biden will attempt to become the oldest man to ever be elected president. 

Click here to see more news about Joe Biden.


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