Thieves caught on camera stealing a car in Detroit by pushing it with another vehicle

One person went inside car

DETROIT – Thieves broke into a car then used another vehicle to push and steal it Tuesday morning in Detroit.

A video shows exactly how they did it.

“You hear the impact of the glass being broken, the rear back window on the driver side -- you hear that being broken. You can hear the impact of their car, hitting the back of my car and pushing it down the street,” Ciera Cammon said.

Cammon said it happened around 6:40 a.m. Tuesday outside her mother’s home on Burlingame Street. She said surveillance video shows it took the thieves about three seconds to steal her car.

“I wake up. 9 a.m., sharp, my car is not on the street. I immediately go ‘My car is not outside,'” she said.

Cammon said the car the thieves used to steal her car drove by the home first. Minutes later, they pulled back up and rammed into the back of her car. Someone got out and busted her window and then got inside her car, while the other car pushed it.

“When you work really hard for something, you don’t want anybody to take it. To struggle and to finally have something and then it’s taken, it’s very frustrating, makes me very angry,” Cammon said.