
Video: Michigan woman’s emotional face-to-face with blind mother

Deborah Parsons’ mother is blind.

Cellphone video captured their most recent visit a few days ago. Karen, who was born blind, has dementia and lives in an assisted care facility in Sterling Heights about a mile away from her daughter.

Update April 19 -- Michigan coronavirus (COVID-19) cases up to 31,424; Death toll now at 2,391 with 3,237 recoveries reported

“This whole thing is really hard," Parsons said.

While most people can check in on family members with video chats like Skype or Facetime, that’s not an option.

“Even though she can’t see me, she’s always been able to touch me,” Parsons said.

Karen calls her daughter at least twice a day now.

“She sees through her fingers. She sees through her hands," Parsons said. "She doesn’t see through her eyes. She knew we were right there on the other side of the glass.”

They’re counting down the days until they can hug each other again.

You can watch Sandra Ali’s full story above.

About the Authors

Dane is a producer and media enthusiast. He previously worked freelance video production and writing jobs in Michigan, Georgia and Massachusetts. Dane graduated from the Specs Howard School of Media Arts.

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