
Gov. Whitmer blasts Michigan Legislature for meeting during stay-at-home order, says she will veto power-limiting bills

Leaders try to limit governor’s power

LANSING, Mich. – The Michigan Legislature came together Friday, seeking to form a committee to oversee Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s actions during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The Republican-led Legislature believes Whitmer’s actions have been overreaching, leading to a power battle in Lansing.

Speaker of the House Lee Chatfield said the governor has not been cooperative during the handling of the pandemic.

“We haven’t seen the collaboration to this point that we’ve requested and what we would like to see,” he said. “We are the voice of the people, and there are thousands of people across our state frustrated and have had their livelihoods taken away, and we want to ensure they can get back to work when it can be done safely.”

RELATED: Whitmer extends stay-at-home order, with loosened restrictions

Whitmer blasted the House and Senate for meeting while the stay-at-home order is in place. The order is designed to increase social distancing.

“I find it odd that the Legislature has chosen to congregate against all the best practices against the spirit of the stay home, stay safe order, where the vast majority of their constitutes are observing these important actions,” Whitmer said.

The Senate also voted and approved measures to try and limit the governor’s powers in the future, should a similar crisis arise.

Whitmer said she would veto any bills that limit power.

“I’m not going to sign any bill that takes authority away from me or from any future governor. The powers of the Executive Office are incredibly important, especially in times of crisis where lives are on the line.”

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