Here are all 140 executive orders issued by Michigan Gov. Whitmer during COVID-19 pandemic

Details, expiration dates, links for every Michigan executive order

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (Uncredited, Michigan Governors Office)

LANSING, Mich. – Here is a list of all 140 executive orders Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has issued since the start of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, including details about the changes, expiration dates and links to each full order.

LIST: Michigan executive orders that are still active

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Some of the executive orders have already expired or been rescinded by new orders. That is indicated in each instance below.

EO 2020-4: Declaration of state of emergency

EO 2020-5: Temporary prohibition on large assemblages and events, temporary school closures

EO 2020-6: Temporary restrictions on entry into health care facilities, residential care facilities, congregate care facilities and juvenile justice facilities

EO 2020-7: Temporary restrictions on entry into health care facilities, residential care facilities, congregate care facilities and juvenile justice facilities

EO 2020-8: Enhanced restrictions on price gouging

EO 2020-9: Temporary restrictions on the use of places of public accommodation

EO 2020-10: Temporary expansions in unemployment eligibility and cost sharing

EO 2020-11: Temporary prohibition on large assemblages and events, temporary school closures

EO 2020-12: Enhanced support for deliveries

EO 2020-13: Temporary enhancements to operational capacity and efficiency of health care facilities

EO 2020-14: Temporary extension of deadline to redeem property for nonpayment of delinquent property taxes

EO 2020-15: Temporary authorization of remote participation in public meetings and hearings and temporary relief from monthly meeting requirements for school boards

EO 2020-16: Expanding child care access during the COVID-19 emergency

EO 2020-17: Temporary restrictions on nonessential medical and dental procedures

EO 2020-18: Enhanced restrictions on price gouging

EO 2020-19: Temporary prohibition against entry to premises for the purpose of removing or excluding a tenant or mobile home owner from their home

EO 2020-20: Temporary restrictions on the use of places of public accommodation

EO 2020-21: Temporary requirement to suspend activities that are not necessary to sustain or protect life

EO 2020-22: Extension of county canvass deadlines for the March 10, 2020, Presidential Primary Election

EO 2020-23: Enhanced authorization of remote means for carrying out state administrative procedures

EO 2020-24: Temporary expansions in unemployment eligibility and cost sharing

EO 2020-25: Temporary enhancements to operational capacity, flexibility, and efficiency of pharmacies

EO 2020-26: Extension of April 2020 Michigan income tax filing deadlines

  • Issued: March 27
  • Rescinded by: None
  • End: The end date will be the end of the declared state of emergency or a date reasonably related to the end of the declared state of emergency.

EO 2020-27: Conducting elections on May 5, 2020, using absent voter ballots

EO 2020-28: Restoring water service to occupied residences during the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Issued: March 28
  • Rescinded by: None
  • End: The end date will be the end of the declared state of emergency or a date reasonably related to the end of the declared state of emergency.

EO 2020-29: Temporary COVID-19 protocols for entry into Michigan Department of Corrections facilities and transfers to and from Department custody; temporary recommended COVID-19 protocols and enhanced early-release authorization for county jails, local lockups, and juvenile detention centers

EO 2020-30: Temporary relief from certain restrictions and requirements governing the provision of medical services

EO 2020-31: Temporary relief from standard vapor pressure restrictions on gasoline sales

EO 2020-32: Temporary restrictions on nonessential veterinary services

EO 2020-33: Expanded emergency and disaster declaration

EO 2020-34: Temporary restrictions on veterinary services

EO 2020-35: Provision of K-12 education during the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year

EO 2020-36: Protecting workers who stay home, stay safe when they or their close contacts are sick

  • Issued: April 3
  • Rescinded by: None
  • End: The end date will be the end of the declared state of emergency or a date reasonably related to the end of the declared state of emergency.

EO 2020-37: Temporary restrictions on entry into health care facilities, residential care facilities, congregate care facilities and juvenile justice facilities

EO 2020-38: Temporary extensions of certain FOIA deadlines to facilitate COVID-19 emergency response efforts

EO 2020-39: Temporary relief from certain restrictions and requirements governing the provision of emergency medical services

EO 2020-40: Temporary relief from certain credentialing requirements for motor carriers transporting essential supplies, equipment and persons

EO 2020-41: Encouraging the use of electronic signatures and remote notarization, witnessing and visitation during the COVID-19 pandemic

EO 2020-42: Temporary requirement to suspend activities that are not necessary to sustain or protect life

EO 2020-43: Temporary restrictions on the use of places of public accommodation

EO 2020-44: Enhanced support for deliveries

EO 2020-45: Enhanced authorization of remote means for carrying out state administrative procedures

EO 2020-46: Mitigating the economic harms of the COVID-19 pandemic through the creation of a spirits buyback program for restaurants and bars throughout the state

  • Issued: April 13
  • Rescinded by: None
  • End: The end date will be the end of the declared state of emergency or a date reasonably related to the end of the declared state of emergency.

EO 2020-47: Temporary extension of validity of driver’s licenses, state identification cards and registration

EO 2020-48: Temporary authorization of remote participation in public meetings and hearings and temporary relief from monthly meeting requirements for school boards

EO 2020-49: Temporary enhancements to operational capacity and efficiency of health care facilities

EO 2020-50: Enhanced protections for residents and staff of long-term care facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic

EO 2020-51: Expanding child care access during the COVID-19 pandemic

EO 2020-52: Temporary extension of certain pesticide applicator certificates

  • Issued: April 17
  • Rescinded by: None
  • End: The end date will be the end of the declared state of emergency or a date reasonably related to the end of the declared state of emergency.

EO 2020-53: Enhance restrictions on price gouging

EO 2020-54: Temporary prohibition against entry to premises for the purpose of removing or excluding a tenant or mobile home owner from their home

EO 2020-55: Michigan Coronavirus Task Force on Racial Disparities

  • Issued: April 20
  • Rescinded by: None
  • End: The end date will be the end of the declared state of emergency or a date reasonably related to the end of the declared state of emergency.

EO 2020-56: Temporary enhancements to operational capacity, flexibility, and efficiency of pharmacies

EO 2020-57: Temporary expansions in unemployment eligibility and cost sharing

EO 2020-58: Temporary suspension of certain timing requirements relating to the commencement of civil and probate actions and proceedings

  • Issued: April 22
  • Rescinded by: EO 2020-122
  • End: The end date will be the end of the declared state of emergency or a date reasonably related to the end of the declared state of emergency.

EO 2020-59: Temporary requirement to suspend activities that are not necessary to sustain or protect life

EO 2020-60: Temporary safety measures for food-selling establishments and pharmacies and temporary relief from requirements applicable to the renewal of licenses for the food-service industry

EO 2020-61: Temporary relief from certain restrictions and requirements governing the provision of medical services

  • Issued: April 26
  • Rescinded by: None
  • End: The end date will be the end of the declared state of emergency or a date reasonably related to the end of the declared state of emergency.

EO 2020-62: Temporary COVID-19 protocols for entry into Michigan Department of Corrections facilities and transfers to and from Department custody; temporary recommended COVID-19 protocols and enhanced early-release authorization for county jails, local lockups and juvenile detention centers

EO 2020-63: Temporary suspending the expiration of personal protection orders

EO 2020-64: Affirming anti-discrimination policies and requiring certain health care providers to develop equitable access to care protocols

  • Issued: April 29
  • Rescinded by: None
  • End: The end date will be the end of the declared state of emergency or a date reasonably related to the end of the declared state of emergency.

EO 2020-65: Provision of K-12 education during the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year

EO 2020-66: Termination of the state of emergency and disaster declared under the Emergency Management Act in Executive Order 2020-33

EO 2020-67: Declaration of state of emergency under the Emergency Powers of the Governor Act, 1945 PA 302

EO 2020-68: Declaration of states of emergency and disaster under the Emergency Management Act, 1976 PA 390

EO 2020-69: Temporary restrictions on the use of places of public accommodation

EO 2020-70: Temporary requirement to suspend activities that are not necessary to sustain or protect life

EO 2020-71: Temporary safety measures for food-selling establishments and pharmacies and temporary relief from requirements applicable to the renewal of licenses for the food-service industry

EO 2020-72: Temporary restrictions on entry into health care facilities, residential care facilities, congregate care facilities and juvenile justice facilities

EO 2020-73: Temporary relief from certain credentialing requirements for motor carriers transporting essential supplies, equipment, and persons

EO 2020-74: Encouraging the use of electronic signatures and remote notarization, witnessing, and visitation during the COVID-19 pandemic

EO 2020-75: Temporary authorization of remote participation in public meetings and hearings and temporary relief from monthly meeting requirements for school boards

EO 2020-76: Temporary expansions in unemployment eligibility and cost sharing

  • Issued: May 6
  • Rescinded by: None
  • End: The end date will be the end of the declared state of emergency or a date reasonably related to the end of the declared state of emergency.

EO 2020-77: Temporary requirement to suspend certain activities that are not necessary to sustain or protect life

EO 2020-78: Temporary extension of the validity of driver licenses, state identification cards, and certain vehicle registrations

  • Issued: May 8
  • Rescinded by: None
  • End: July 31
  • This order continues to temporarily extend the validity of certain operator’s and chauffeur’s licenses, State identification (ID) cards, and vehicle registrations. The Order also prohibits automobile insurers from taking any adverse or negative actions against an individual because the individual’s license or registration expired between February 1, 2020 and June 30, 2020.
    • Individuals must, to the best of their ability, complete vehicle registrations or license renewals online during the declared states of emergency and disaster.
    • Temporarily suspended until July 31:
      • Strict compliance with Section 2 of PA 222 of 1972 (which governs the issuance of State personal ID cards), to extend the validity of a State personal ID card that expired or is set to expire between February 1, 2020, and June 30.
      • Strict compliance with Sections 309 and 314 of the Michigan Vehicle Code and R 257.853(10) of the Michigan Administrative Code, to extend the validity of an operator’s license or chauffeur’s license that expired or is set to expire between February 1, 2020, and June 30.
      • Strict compliance with Sections 303 and 312f of the Michigan Vehicle Code, to suspend any applicable medical certification requirement necessary for operator’s or chauffeur’s license holders with any commercial driver license (CDL) group designation or endorsement until July 31.
      • Strict compliance with rules and procedures under Section 216 of the Michigan Vehicle Code, to allow an operator’s or chauffeur’s license holder with appropriate CDL group designations and endorsements to operate a commercial vehicle as though it had a valid vehicle registration until July 31, so long as that commercial vehicle has an otherwise-valid vehicle registration that expired on or after March 1, 2020.

EO 2020-79: Temporary suspension of youth work permit application requirements

  • Issued: May 11
  • Rescinded by: EO 2020-116
  • Ended: June 5
  • This temporarily suspends strict compliance with Section 5 of the Youth Employment Standards Act to the extent it requires a work permit application to be made in person. An issuing officer may accept and examine a work permit application, including any accompanying materials, submitted by alternative means, such as mail, electronic mail, facsimile, or web-based form. Issuing officers must make information on how application materials may be submitted publicly available.

EO 2020-80: Enhanced authorization of remote means for carrying out state administrative procedures

  • Issued: May 11
  • Rescinded by: EO 2020-113
  • Ended: June 4
  • This authorizes state agencies to use electronic remote methods for conducting administrative procedures, including hearings. It also authorizes the use of electronic signatures for satisfying signature requirements related to administrative procedural activities.

EO 2020-81: Enhanced support for deliveries

EO 2020-82: Temporary enhancements to operational capacity and efficiency of health care facilities

  • Issued: May 12
  • Rescinded by: EO 2020-112
  • End: June 3
  • This extends the authority of the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) to issue a waiver under Section 21564 of the Public Health Code for licensure requirements for a licensed hospital to allow the construction, acquisition, or operation of a temporary or mobile health facility for the purpose of providing care during the COVID-19 emergency. The Order applies regardless of number of beds or location.

EO 2020-83: Expanding child care access during the COVID-19 pandemic

EO 2020-84: Enhanced protections for residents and staff of long-term care facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic

EO 2020-85: Temporary prohibition against entry to premises for the purpose of removing or excluding a tenant or mobile home owner from their home

EO 2020-86: Encouraging the use of tele-health services during the COVID-19 emergency

  • Issued: May 14
  • Rescinded by: None
  • End: The end date will be the end of the declared state of emergency or a date reasonably related to the end of the declared state of emergency.

EO 2020-87: Temporary Extension of Deadlines for Boards of Review, County Equalization and Tax Tribunal Jurisdiction

EO 2020-88: COVID-19 Return to School Advisory Council Executive Office of the Governor

EO 2020-89: Enhanced restrictions on price gouging

EO 2020-90: Resumption of laboratory research activities

EO 2020-91: Safeguards to protect Michigan’s workers from COVID-19

EO 2020-92: Temporary requirement to suspend certain activities that are not necessary to sustain or protect life

EO 2020-93: Temporary enhancements to operational capacity, flexibility, and efficiency of pharmacies

EO 2020-94: Declaration of State of Emergency for Midland

EO 2020-95: Enhanced protections for residents and staff of long-term care facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic

EO 2020-96: Temporary requirement to suspend certain activities that are not necessary to sustain or protect life

EO 2020-97: Safeguards to protect Michigan’s workers from COVID-19

EO 2020-98: Declaration of state of emergency for Midland, Arenac, Gladwin and Saginaw counties

EO 2020-99: Declaration of state of emergency and state of disaster related to the COVID-19 pandemic

EO 2020-100: Amending certain previously issued executive orders to clarify their duration

EO 2020-101: Extending the expiration date for watercraft registration

EO 2020-102: Temporary relief from standard vapor pressure restrictions on gasoline sales

EO 2020-103: Providing alternative notice of public hearing under Michigan’s tax abatement statutes

EO 2020-104: Increasing COVID-19 testing by expanding the scope of practice for certain professionals and encouraging the establishment of community testing locations

  • Issued: May 26
  • Rescinded by: None
  • End: The end date will be the end of the declared state of emergency or a date reasonably related to the end of the declared state of emergency.

EO 2020-105: Declaration of State of Emergency for Iosco

EO 2020-106: Establishing deadline to redeem property for nonpayment of delinquent property taxes

EO 2020-107: Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity Michigan Workforce Development Board

EO 2020-108: Temporary restrictions on entry into health care facilities, residential care facilities, congregate care facilities and juvenile justice facilities

EO 2020-109: Temporary safety measures for food-selling establishments and pharmacies and temporary relief from requirements applicable to the renewal of licenses for the food-service industry

EO 2020-110: Temporary restrictions on certain events, gatherings, and businesses

EO 2020-111: Protecting the food supply and migrant and seasonal agricultural workers from the effects of COVID-19

EO 2020-112: Rescission of certain executive orders

EO 2020-113: Enhanced authorization of remote means for carrying out state administrative procedures

EO 2020-114: Safeguards to protect Michigan’s workers from COVID-19

EO 2020-115: Temporary restrictions on certain events, gatherings, and businesses

EO 2020-116: Temporary suspension of youth work permit application requirements

EO 2020-117: Expanding child care access during the COVID-19 pandemic

EO 2020-118: Temporary prohibition against entry to premises for the purpose of removing or excluding a tenant or mobile home owner from their home

EO 2020-119: Temporary COVID-19 protocols for entry into Michigan Department of Corrections facilities and transfers to and from Department custody; temporary recommended COVID-19 protocols and enhanced early-release authorization for county jails, local lockups, and juvenile detention centers

EO 2020-120: Returning overnight camps to operation

EO 2020-121: Department of State Police Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards

EO 2020-122: Ending the extension of case-initiation deadlines

EO 2020-123: Enhanced protections for residents and staff of long-term care facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic

EO 2020-124: Temporary enhancements to operational capacity, flexibility, and efficiency of pharmacies

EO 2020-125: Clarifying WDCA Eligibility for Workplace Exposure to COVID-19

EO 2020-126: Temporary safety measures for food-selling establishments and pharmacies and temporary relief from requirements applicable to the renewal of licenses for the food-service industry

EO 2020-127: Declaration of state of emergency and state of disaster related to the COVID-19 pandemic

EO 2020-128: Clarifying WDCA Eligibility for Workplace Exposure to COVID-19

  • Issued: June 18
  • Rescinded by: None
  • End: The end date will be the end of the declared state of emergency or a date reasonably related to the end of the declared state of emergency.

EO 2020-129: Temporary authorization of remote participation in public meeting and hearings and temporary relief from monthly meeting requirements for school boards

EO 2020-130: Michigan Statewide Independent Living Council

EO 2020-131: Encouraging the use of electronic signatures and remote notarization, witnessing, and visitation during the COVID-19 pandemic

EO 2020-132: Enhanced authorization of remote means for carrying out state administrative procedures

EO 2020-133: Restarting professional sports

EO 2020-134: Eviction diversion program for COVID-19-related debtors

EO 2020-135: Creation of Michigan Nursing Homes COVID-19 Preparedness Task Force Department of Health and Human Services

EO 2020-136: Temporary restrictions on entry into health care facilities, residential care facilities, congregate care facilities, and juvenile justice facilities

EO 2020-137: Protecting the Food Supply and Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Workers from the effects of COVID-19

EO 2020-138: Encouraging the use of telehealth services during the COVID-19 emergency

  • Issued: June 29
  • Rescinded by: None
  • End: The end date will be the end of the declared state of emergency or a date reasonably related to the end of the declared state of emergency.

EO 2020-139: Naming the “Elliott-Larsen Building”

EO 2020-140: Temporary suspension of youth work permit application requirements

EO 2020-141: Providing alternative notice of public hearings under Michigan’s tax abatement statutes

EO 2020-142: Provision of preK–12 education for the 2020–2021 school year

EO 2020-143: Closing indoor service at bars

About the Author
Derick Hutchinson headshot

Derick is the Lead Digital Editor for ClickOnDetroit and has been with Local 4 News since April 2013. Derick specializes in breaking news, crime and local sports.