MONROE, Mich. – A tribute for a fallen Monroe County Animal Control Officer was held on Thursday.
Darrian Young, 24, was working the morning of June 4 when a drunk driver ran a red light and smashed her vehicle. She was pronounced dead two days later from injuries she sustained during the crash. She was laid to rest on June 13.
“Officer Young was an enthusiastic, energetic, animal lover who had a particular passion for horses,” the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement. “Officer Young and her fiancé Zach Farris recently purchased a horse farm in Exeter Township and had plans to be married in the near future.”
Young grew up in Monroe with a love for animals, especially horses. She was an equestrian star through high school and finished 5th in a competition a few weeks ago.
Young and her family loved Jeeps. Downriver Jeep clubs decided there was a way to honor Young and support her family.
Money raised from the convoy will go toward a memorial fund to benefit the animal control.
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