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Deadline approaching for small businesses to apply for $50 million in grants

Businesses have until Friday to apply

WAYNE COUNTY, Mich. – The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has especially hit small businesses hard.

Now, local businesses have access to $50 million to help with offsetting COVID-19 related costs under a new program by Wayne County. It’s called the “Wayne County Back to Work Small Business Readiness Grant.”

If you ever been inside the Fisher Building in New Center Detroit, more than likely, you walked passed the Mature Clothing Store. Daryl and DeKoven Humes are the owners.

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“We feel like as you mature in your life and your job or what not, we feel that your wardrobe should match,” said DeKoven Humes.

The Humes Brothers just celebrated three years as business owners, but they said they’re more than just a store.

“We consider ourselves more than just a retailer, in that sense of how do we embrace a community, how do we do more, in regards not just offering a balance wardrobe but how do we change and cultivate a lifestyle?” said Daryl Humes.

But like other businesses, giving back or even operating during COVID is tough.

“Being here in the Fisher Building, of course everyone knows that there are a lot of offices upstairs, so with those people working from home and the theater shows drive a lot of traffic here as well, matinees and night shows, has definitely been an impactful part to our business,” said DeKoven Humes.

But Assistant County Executive and Economic Development Executive Director Khalil Rahal, with Wayne County said there’s financial help for small businesses. It’s called the Wayne County Back to Work Small Business Readiness Grant.

“So the Wayne County Executive Warren Evans, he puts out a $50 Million dollar grant program. It’s’ for any small business in Wayne County, as long as you been in business for a year, you got a brick and mortar, you got under 50 employees, you got less than a Million in sales, you’re in good standing and pay your taxes, then you’re eligible for up to $10,000 in a straight grant.”

That’s money the Humes Brothers said they can use.

“We’re absolutely looking forward to applying and looking forward to hopefully being rewarded.”

Now if you’re a business owner, and you plan on applying, you have to hurry up, because you don’t have that much time. The deadline is Friday, July 10 at 5 p.m.

If you want to apply, the website is:

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