All DPSCD summer school students to be tested by Monday

More than 600 students are taking summer school classes

DETROIT – The deadline for all students enrolled in summer school in the Detroit Public Schools Community District to get tested for coronavirus was Sunday.

It’s part of judge’s ruling in a lawsuit filed by protesters against in-person learning.

That judge ruled all students must be tested or they can’t show up for classes Monday.

Summer school stopped last week after a protest group went to federal court to shut down in-person classes. They succeeded temporarily as some students are expected back in class Monday morning and others will not.

Superintendent Dr. Nikolai Vitti said he believes all of it was judicial overreach.

“This judge’s decision was completely out of bounds. Not supported by any legal mandate,” Vitti said. “He just felt he was doing the right thing. But it also shows how far parents are willing to go to get face-to-face instruction.”

Vitti discussed the ruling and pressure for a temporary restraining order with Devin Scillian on Flashpoint. He -- and many parents -- want summer school back up and running.

“We’re just meeting the needs of parents and students in Detroit,” Vitti said. “That’s our responsibility as a school district to meet parents and students where they are educationally.”

More than 600 students are taking voluntary classes. The district said 341 students have been tested through the Detroit Health Department and two students -- from different schools -- tested positive.

Vitti said the testing showed encouraging results.

“We are below the infection rate in the city but what it also shows is that after two weeks of summer school we aren’t spreading it,” Vitti said.

One issue the district is concerned about is that many parents don’t want their children tested, but if a student doesn’t get tested, they won’t be allowed in class.

About the Authors
Dane Kelly headshot

Dane is a producer and media enthusiast. He previously worked freelance video production and writing jobs in Michigan, Georgia and Massachusetts. Dane graduated from the Specs Howard School of Media Arts.
