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Multiple fires caused by lightning across Oakland County

No injuries reported

OAKLAND COUNTY, Mich. – Several Oakland County residents were left without a home due to fires started by lightning strikes Saturday night and Sunday morning.

Firefighters in Commerce Township and Walled Lake battled a two-alarm fire at condominiums on Addington Drive near Pontiac Trail, around 9 p.m. The fire ripped through several apartment units. No injuries were reported.

The American Red Cross helped several tenants of a Rochester Hills apartment on Galloway Court, near Butler Road Sunday.

Neighbors heard a loud crack of thunder before the roof went up in flames. Fire crews reported they were called at about 5:30 a.m. No injuries were reported. A resident’s cat was also saved from the blaze.

Just hours later, firefighters battled a heavy fire at a home in Bloomfield Township, near Wing Lake Road. Crews said it was a challenge to put the fire out.

“It’s a large, several thousand square foot house,” said Fire Chief Mike Morin.

The family and their two dogs made it out safely.

West Bloomfield experience two other weather-related fires at about the same time.

About the Author
Dane Kelly headshot

Dane is a producer and media enthusiast. He previously worked freelance video production and writing jobs in Michigan, Georgia and Massachusetts. Dane graduated from the Specs Howard School of Media Arts.
