
Wayne County jury duty resumes with safety protocols in place

Here's what to expect if you get summoned

Jury summons will go out this week to Wayne County residents.

In addition to the customary language requiring jurors’ appearance, the summons contains a section entitled “Public Health and Safety.” In the summons, the Court shares a link for a video juror experience which highlights additional precautions, including:

  • Jurors will be provided with Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) kits that will include masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, and antibacterial wipes.
  • Seating is socially distanced (at least six feet apart), and there are social distancing markers on the floor in the jury assembly room and courtrooms.
  • Clear plexi-shield partitions have been installed at check-in counters and in courtrooms. There are hand-sanitizing stations throughout the jury assembly room.
  • Frequent cleaning of touch-points.

Judges, judicial partners, and communities groups and organizations offered input on the various precautionary measures. Representatives from Focus-Hope, the National Association of the Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs-Detroit, Logical Choice, Team Wellness, and recent graduating alumni from Cristo Rey and Cass Tech were among the many individuals and organizations to serve on focus groups for the Juror Health and Safety video.

Jurors and other citizens may view the video at http://www.3rdcc.org/jury-services/juror-health-and-safety-video.

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