Farmington Public Schools investigate social media posts about teacher from former students outside district

Teacher on administrative paid leave pending internal investigation

Empty classroom (Pixlr)

FARMINGTON, Mich. – A teacher with the Farmington Public Schools district has been placed on paid administrative leave as the district investigates social media posts that were made about the teacher by former students of another school district.

A statement sent to Local 4 News from Farmington school district officials did not specify what was said in the posts, but said they became aware of the posts on Aug. 21. The posts were referred to the district’s human resource department.

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District officials said while the posts and its allegations were not made by Farmington Public Schools students, “the district has initiated an internal investigation to thoroughly review the allegations to ensure the safety and security of our students, which remains our top priority.”

The teacher will remain on leave pending the internal investigation. The district said the issue was also referred to law enforcement.

“While it is human nature to speculate, question, and discuss allegations when these types of things arise, these activities are not helpful to the investigations or the persons involved,” read the statement. “Out of respect for the rights of everyone involved, we emphasize that in unusual cases like this, it is important not to make judgments or reach conclusions until all investigations are completed.

“While this is a difficult situation for everyone involved, our focus is and will continue to be on welcoming our FPS students back to school for a new school year, maintaining excellence in our educational programs and services, and inspiring all students to make a positive impact.”

Farmington Public Schools will begin the 2020-21 school year entirely remote. The district said virtual instruction will last for all K-12 students until at least Oct. 30.

About the Author
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DeJanay Booth joined WDIV as a web producer in July 2020. She previously worked as a news reporter in New Mexico before moving back to Michigan.