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Genesee County bat tests positive for rabies

Rabies virus affects nervous system of mammals including humans

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DETROIT – A rabid bat has been identified within Genesee County in Gaines, the third confirmed case of rabies in an animal this year.

The three rabid animals this year have been from different areas of Genesee County.

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The Genesee County Health Department wants to remind residents that it is important to make sure your pets are current on their vaccinations, including rabies.

GCHD wants to advise the public, especially children, to avoid contact with wild, stray, and dead animals to protect yourself against rabies.

Rabies is a virus that affects the nervous system of mammals, including humans.

A person may contract rabies through a bite, scratch, or saliva from an infected animal. A potential rabies exposure should never be taken lightly. Treatment is available and effective for rabies if medical attention is received shortly after contact.

If untreated, rabies is fatal. Vaccinating all pets under your care with the rabies vaccine is essential to promoting animal and human health.

Whether animals are kept indoors or outdoors it is important to make sure they are all protected against rabies. Exposures may occur even in the most unlikely situations so protection against rabies is essential for all animals for which a licensed vaccine exists. This includes dogs, cats, ferrets, horses, cattle, and sheep.

A list of wildlife damage and nuisance animal control contractors in your particular area can be found here.

For domestic animals such as dogs or cats and animal care questions, please contact the Genesee County Animal Control at 810-732-1660. For questions regarding human health, contact GCHD at 810-257-1017.

Click here for more information about rabies.