DETROIT – You may remember last year before the pandemic struck there was a major effort to decrease vaping after a surge in lung injuries.
Now new research is reviving the effort especially in light of the current situation.
There is growing concern that smoking and vaping can possibly increase a person’s chances of contracting the coronavirus and lead to more serious outcomes.
Researchers are still trying to zero in on the reasons why, but the implications are clear. There are new links between smoking, vaping and COVID-19.
Currently, researchers are looking at proteins called ACE2 receptors that serve as entry points for the coronavirus. Smokers often have more than non-smokers.
Pulmonary specialist doctor Zab Mozenifar says smokers who do contract the virus tend to get sicker and may have an increased chance of being hospitalized or placed on a ventilator.
It’s a plea echoed by health experts nationwide who say no age group is safe.
A Stanford University School of Medicine study showed young people who vape were more likely to contract coronavirus than non-users.
The American Lung Association is launching a new campaign encouraging parents to talk to their kids about the dangers of vaping, conversations that are especially important right now, says pediatric pulmonologist, Dr. Christy Sadreameli.
The pandemic is providing even more reason to kick the habit for good. There is also concern about smoking and vaping in those who have survived COVID-19.
Given there may be lingering damage in the lungs, smoking or vaping after the coronavirus may be even more risky than before.
In addition to warning teenagers and young adults about the dangers of vaping, the Stanford University researchers noted they hope their findings will prompt the FDA to further tighten regulations on how vaping products are sold to young people.