Police say drunk driver caused crash that killed 6-year-old in Waterford Township

Police investigating two crashes less than one mile apart, involving same driver

WATERFORD TOWNSHIP, Mich. – Police are investigating a fatal crash in Waterford Township near a Mitsubishi car dealership that killed a 6-year-old girl.

“It hit so hard, it felt like a bomb went off. I could feel the energy of the impact go through my body. It was so hard,” said Tammy Cole, who was nearby when the crash happened Wednesday afternoon.

Police are investigating two crashes less than a mile apart. They said the driver involved in both crashes was allegedly driving drunk.

The first one crash occurred in front of a Mitsubishi car dealership. Police said they got several calls of a man speeding down Highland Road in a White 2016 Hyundai Sonata.

Click here to view the original breaking news story from this crash.

“I saw the White Hyundai over here probably doing 90 to 100 miles per hour,” said witness Steven Church.

The driver then crashed into a car with a man and his daughter inside. The man was meeting his wife at the dealership after she bought a new car. As they were turning into the parking lot, the driver of the Sonata crashed into them, killing the child.

“All I know it was not good at all. Not good at all. It felt like a bomb went off. It was so loud and the impact was so hard. It shook the windows,” Cole said.

Police said they’re wrapping up the investigation and turning over the evidence to the prosecutor’s office. They’re expecting charges to be filed soon.

Related: 6-year-old killed, parents hurt in 4-car crash caused by reckless driver, Waterford Twp. police say