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Video of police chaplain praying for Detroit goes viral

Chaplain recorded while praying over police cruiser’s loudspeaker

DETROIT – A local police chaplain was captured on video praying for the city using the loudspeaker of her cruiser.

That video has since gone viral.

Chaplain Nora Jones with the Police and Fire International Chaplains Association says she is just following the path that God intended for her. Recently, her calling was recorded on video and shared with the world.

Millions of people have since seen the viral video. You can see the clip in the video above.

The chaplain says she did not expect this exposure and credits a higher power for “changing things.” Jones says with all of the negativity going on in the world today, she believes that the power of prayer can change the hearts and lives of others.

“Being able to connect with the people -- one lady says she didn’t feel that God even existed in her life, but because of that video, she knows God is real,” Jones said.

Following the viral video, Jones was invited to pray at the Faith and Blue event sponsored by the Detroit Police Department.

“I’m in awe of the much community support ... and how all of the celebrities are contacting me and wanting me to speak, just in support of what God is doing,” Jones said.

Jones says she plans on opening up a center to help people, but -- for now -- she will continue to obey her calling.

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