WATERFORD TOWNSHIP, Mich. – A Waterford Township woman who spent 20 months in prison after being convicted of manslaughter in her husband’s death has been released.
Tin Talbot’s family members lined up to wait for her release Tuesday morning, but not everyone is happy she’s out of prison.
Talbot was released at 5:30 a.m. Tuesday after spending 20 months -- the minimum sentence from her conviction -- in prison.
Tina Talbot pleaded guilty in February 2019, citing alleged abuse she and her son, who has special needs, endured at the hands of her husband, Milosz Szczepanowicz.

On Sept. 14, 2018, she told a judge that she shot Szczepanowicz while fearing for the lives of her son and herself.
“He made it clear he intended on killing us that day,” Talbot said.
The judge sentenced Talbot to 20 months to 15 years for manslaughter. She was granted parole and released after exactly 20 months.
READ: Waterford Township woman details alleged abuse she endured before killing her husband
Szczepanowicz’s family wasn’t happy about the plea deal or Talbot’s parole.
“He did not get to say goodbye to his family, tell his mother that he loves her or pray to God,” attorney Sabrina Shaheen Cronin said.
Talbot is reuniting with her son and said she hopes Szczepanowicz’s family doesn’t cause more trauma.