Nightside Report Dec. 30, 2020: Gov. Whitmer signs bills allowing Michigan college athletes to make money off name, image; Warren police bust drug ring selling cocaine laced with fentanyl

Here are tonight’s top stories

View of Detroit from the Windsor sky camera on Dec. 30, 2020 at 8:39 p.m. (WDIV)

Gov. Whitmer signs bills allowing college athletes in Michigan to make money off name, image, likeness

DETROIT – Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has signed two bills that will allow college athletes in Michigan to make money off of their own name, image, likeness and reputation.

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“For years we have all enjoyed the incredible talent of young athletes across the state. This legislation will change the lives of young men and women for years to come,” Whitmer said.

Click here to read more.

The latest: Michigan coronavirus cases up to 488,144; Death toll now at 12,333

Metro Detroit weather: Tracking another winter storm

Wednesday’s weather scenario played out exactly as expected, with overnight snow roughly around an inch or a little more changing to freezing rain first thing this morning, which then changed to all rain during the morning.

Click here to read the full forecast.

4 Fast Facts

  • A big takedown in the fight against the opioid epidemic happened Wednesday in Metro Detroit. Click here to read more.
  • Beloved Wayne County Sheriff Benny Napoleon was memorialized by community leaders from across the state Wednesday in a socially distanced funeral. Click here to read more.
  • The entire staff and residents at Samaritas Senior Living became the first senior living facility in Oakland County to get the COVID-19 vaccine Wednesday. Click here to read more.
  • Dearborn Heights Mayor Dan Paletko has died after contracting COVID-19, the city announced early Wednesday morning. Click here to read more.

Be Informed

Michigan could lose 1 House seat, census estimate shows

Preliminary numbers from the U.S. census indicate Michigan could lose clout in Washington, D.C. and in the Electoral College. While Michigan’s population grew about 1% since the last census in 2010, the national average for population growth was 6% this year.

Click here to read more.

Michigan State Police urge people to not drink and drive New Year’s Eve

While many people will celebrate New Year’s Eve at home this year, the roads will still be dangerous -- people may not be coming home from the bars, but that doesn’t mean people won’t be drinking or smoking. Even though bars have been closed all of December, police said people are still driving under the influence.

Click here to read more.

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Tuesday, Dec. 29, 2020 --

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About the Author

DeJanay Booth joined WDIV as a web producer in July 2020. She previously worked as a news reporter in New Mexico before moving back to Michigan.

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