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CDC says in-person learning can resume with precautions in place

Precautions include masks, social distancing, ventilation

In research published Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, researchers conclude that in-person learning has not meaningfully contributed to community spread of COVID-19, and in-person classes should resume with precautions in place.

Those precautions include mandatory mask wearing, social distancing and good ventilation.

In terms of high school sports, indoor and contact sports should not be permitted, meaning cross country outdoors would be fine while wrestling is not.

Additionally, the research states that in-person instruction also relies on what else a community is doing to stop the spread of the virus and specifically mentions limiting indoor dining.

View: Tracking coronavirus cases, outbreaks in Michigan schools

You can watch the report in the video above.

Michigan high school contact sports ban: What Whitmer said

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was asked Monday about the ban on certain Michigan high school contact sports and whether they might be allowed to resume in the near future.

Right now, only certain sports, including football, are allowed to compete at Michigan high schools. This has become a controversial topic across the state as the governor urges all schools to resume in-person learning by March 1.

READ8 takeaways from Gov. Whitmer’s update on COVID-19 in Michigan

“The continuing suspension of winter ‘contact’ sports contradicts the message that it is safe to return to in-person learning,” Detroit schools Superintendent Nikolai Vitti wrote in a letter to Whitmer on Monday. “One only needs to ask any winter ‘contact’ sport athlete and they will tell you we are sending mixed and contradictory messages to them.”

Click here to read Vitti’s entire letter.

Read the rest of this report here.

About the Authors
Mara MacDonald headshot
DeJanay Booth headshot

DeJanay Booth joined WDIV as a web producer in July 2020. She previously worked as a news reporter in New Mexico before moving back to Michigan.
