City of Detroit faces Wednesday morning deadline to have streets plowed

City hoping to finish by 6 a.m.

DETROITTrucks are out Tuesday night plowing snow in Detroit as the city is facing a 6 a.m. Wednesday deadline.

“We got a lot of thumbs up,” said Gregory Summers with Payne Landscaping. “(But) the worst part is the people plow their driveway, especially the senior citizens, and then you come back with the plow and you’ve got to open the street up and you push it right back in.”

It’s about 2,500 miles of Detroit roads that four plow companies are trying to get mostly cleared by the deadline.

READ: Detroit officers help seniors shovel snow after winter storm

READ: Detroit man helps neighbors clear driveways, sidewalks of snow

“If your street has not been plowed just yet, just hang tight. Someone will get to you,” said Nicole Simmons with the city of Detroit.

Like many Detroiters, Jeff is working into the darkness to get his driveway cleared. He said he has seen improvement over the years in the city’s efforts, but he’d like to see more than a 16-foot wide path cleared down the middle of residential streets.

“It can be done better. I understand the budget but it could be done a little better,” he said.

Meantime in Downtown Detroit at Campus Martius where there’s nowhere to hide the piles of snow, backhoes and semis are hauling them away.

Detroit residents can call 313-224-3901 to report if their street was missed after the city has finished plowing the streets Wednesday.

Watch the full report in the video above.

MORE: Tracking Metro Detroit snow totals -- view here

MORE: Weather: Temps tumble Tuesday night to coldest point in more than 2 years

About the Author
Jason Colthorp headshot

Jason is Local 4’s utility infielder. In addition to anchoring the morning newscast, he often reports on a variety of stories from the tragic, like the shootings at Michigan State, to the off-beat, like great gas station food.
