Fence and car of bystanders damaged during high speed chase involving Detroit, state police

No one seriously hurt

DETROIT – A high speed chase involving the Detroit Police Department and Michigan State Police came to an end with one officer’s cruiser T-boned.

Both suspects were taken into custody after allegedly pointing a gun at DPD officers.

But not everyone is happy about the way the pursuit and arrest was handled.

“Our troopers were on patrol and happened to overhear one of the DPD patrol units say over the air that somebody had pointed a firearm at them,” said MSP Lt. Mike Shaw when referring to the recent chase Friday night.

“Troopers went over there to see if they could help. Fortunately, they happened to run into the described suspects. I think everyone saw the video. It was that white Charger running with no headlights on.”

Troopers were able to turn around chasing the white Charger until the suspects came to a false stop on a side street. Seconds later the car took off again.

“I don’t think they realize in those Chargers that we’re just as fast as they are. So I think they get stunned a little bit at first that we’re able to keep up with them,” Lt. Shaw added.

Troopers caught up with the Charger once again, but this time things went differently.

“The suspect had ran a stop sign there and T-boned into a patrol car. That patrol car and the charger kind of went off into the area, hit a fence and a couple of parked cars that were parked over there,” said Lt. Shaw.

After that an arrest was made. Two people are now livid about all the damage done to the property as a result of the chase.

“I gotta wake up and look out my window and be depressed. I don’t want to come outside,” said Sterling Bognear who lives in the home.

Bognear is concerned about his fence and how close the chase came to hitting his home. While his sister-in-law Brittany is mainly concerned about her car that was damaged. She says no one from either department contacted them at all.

“Who’s gonna be helping us pay for these damages? No one called my husband and I to tell us that our car was involved in this chase that had nothing to do with us,” said Brittany LeFlouria.

Lt. Shaw said because of the weekend, they were planning to make contact on Monday morning.

“People with guns, little bit more important than a traffic crash. If he would have called on that Sunday and said that hey I want somebody to come out here and do it today, we would have sent a trooper out there and not inconvenienced him at all,” said Lt. Shaw.

Thankfully no one was seriously hurt. But Local 4 News has been told the owners are going to give their lawyers a call.

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Victor Williams headshot

Victor Williams joined Local 4 News in October of 2019 after working for WOIO in Cleveland, OH, WLOX News in Biloxi, MS, and WBBJ in Jackson, TN. Victor developed a love for journalism after realizing he was a great speaker and writer at an early age.