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Second family seeks answers on remains of loved one at Detroit cemetery

DETROIT – A man claimed his mother was buried here at Gethsemane Cemetery on Detroit’s east side some years ago, but he’s not sure exactly where her body is located.

He said he’s gotten the run-around from the former company for years.

“We supposedly bought a plot here and my mother was supposedly buried here in 2018,” said Michael Wilson.

Wilson said he’s still not sure if that’s the case. His 50-year-old mother, Lori Wilson, died from surgery complications in 2018. He said he paid for his mother to be buried in Gethsemane Cemetery on Gratiot Avenue and he believes she’s there, but he doesn’t know exactly where because he never saw her body placed in the ground.

“We asked them to see pictures of it or pictures of her casket, and we never got any answers or anything,” said Wilson.

Wilson said in 2018, the former company who operated the cemetery told his family they were backed up in burials and suggested another date for the ceremony. When they came back, the company claimed they already buried her and has since gotten the run-around. Now, he’s not sure what the truth is.

“When we first came out here, they directed us to another spot and it was like right in front and ahead of that,” Wilson said. “Then all of a sudden they pushed it all the way back. I honestly don’t think she’s right there.”

He has more questions after watching our original report on Local 4 on Friday, involving another family and their loved one at the same cemetery.

READ: Detroit family wants answers after 4 bodies found in man’s gravesite

“I saw another story that aired last night, you know, and I tried to get in contact,” Wilson said. “I would like to see with my own eyes if that’s her.”

Local 4 reached out to the city of Detroit. A spokesperson said the city is unaware of this situation, but will look into it. They want to get in contact with Michael Wilson about his mother also.