
Detroit figure skaters show off skills during Celebration of Youth Gala

Gala is a fundraising event

DETROIT – Young Detroit figure skaters will get to show off their abilities Thursday night during the Celebration of Youth Gala, a fundraising event for Figure Skating in Detroit.

The nonprofit is both an afterschool and summer camp program for girls in the city of Detroit.

Olympic gold medalist Meryl Davis said Figure Skating in Detroit harnesses “the power of sport and participation in sport, in order to teach important life skills. When you fall, you get back up, learning about leadership skills perseverance and of course we have an in classroom component as well. And so we have academic programming, it’s STEAM programming, so tutoring from math to reading, writing, we have financial literacy classes. And it’s been really incredible to see how the organization, the volunteers have pivoted with the girls in this last year to come up with new exciting things to keep them engaged.”

Figure Skating in Detroit was developed four years ago. Davis was instrumental in bringing the program to metro Detroit, it is the first chapter of Figure Skating in Harlem.

The virtual gala, hosted by Local 4′s Tati Amare, will feature performances by the program’s participants, a fireside interview with Elladj Balde, appearances by Detroit Symphony Orchestra, NuClassica.

The event begins at 7 p.m. People can register by clicking here.

All the money raised during Thursday night’s fundraiser will go towards programming for Figure Skating in Detroit. If people cannot attend, they can still donate.

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