LAPEER, Mich. – As of 7:45 a.m. on Saturday, June 5 crews were still working on putting out a fire in Downtown Lapeer.
The fire is expected to heavily impact businesses in the area. Meanwhile, the extent of the damage is still unknown.
In a Facebook post published Saturday morning, Lapeer City Commissioner Joshua Atwood said that Coaches Corner and the Grondins building appear to have been impacted by the fire.
He added that there were nine different fire departments working to contain the fire.
“No matter what happens, downtown Lapeer has proven we can rise above. We will do it again. Prayers to all the building owners, businesses, and residents that this fire will affect. It appears to be Coaches Corner and the Grondins building. It’s a nine alarm fire meaning we have nine different fire departments working on containment and putting it out,” said Atwood in the Facebook post.
As of 10 a.m. on Saturday the fire was under control. One business that caught fire was occupied with apartments above it.
Everyone was able to get out safety. One firefighter was transported to a hospital and appears to be fine.
Read more: Headlines from Lapeer County