
Michigan AG wants more done to stop influx of illegal dumping in communities

Call 313-634-9348 to submit a tip

DETROIT – We have seen it all over town, people throwing trash in vacant fields or on the property of others.

Now Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel is talking about the problem and possibility of new action that might be taken to crackdown on the dumpers and hold them accountable.

The Help Me Hank team has been busy tracking trash and talking with people in neighborhoods who have simply had enough.

Local 4 News has been out with police cracking down on dumpers.

While there are local rules and ordinances that can impose tickets and fines on the dumpers, some believe it might be time for state laws to be put in place that could show the dumpers there are real ramifications for their actions.

Nessel is well aware of the dumping problem and believes more needs to be done to control it.

Right now if someone is caught illegally dumping in Detroit, they could face a fine of up to $3,000.

However, repeat illegal dumpers typically ignore these tickets and keep on making a mess of the city.

If you spot illegal dumping around town contact Local 4 News at 313-634-9348 to submit a tip or email helpmehank@wdiv.com.

Tracking Trash: Illegal dumpers in your backyard? Let Help Me Hank know

About the Authors

Hank Winchester is Local 4’s Consumer Investigative Reporter and the head of WDIV’s “Help Me Hank” Consumer Unit. Hank works to solve consumer complaints, reveal important recalls and track down thieves who have ripped off people in our community.

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