19-year-old L’Anse Creuse schools board member denies misconduct allegations

Board voted 5-2 to censure fellow member Shane Sellers

CLINTON TOWNSHIP, Mich. – The L’Anse Creuse Public Schools Board of Education voted to censure fellow member Shane Sellers after claims of misconduct.

The 19-year-old, who is the youngest board member in Macomb County, denies the allegations.

“I know that being one of the youngest officials in the state is something that I don’t take for granted. I think it’s a unique perspective,” Sellers said.

He was elected to the L’Anse Creuse school board last year -- a surprise victory and a road that has not been easy so far.

Related: 18-year-old elected to L’Anse Creuse school board in Clinton Township

In a 5-2 vote on July 13, the board voted to censure Sellers for a variety of misconduct allegations. It has been stewing for four months.

“It started originally with an unproven claim that I was dating a student, which turned to be my sister. They then transitioned that to me demanding a seat with my sister at a school play and violating COVID protocols. When I proved that wrong again, then they added the closed session,” he said.

Among the misconduct that the majority of the board claims included entering a girls basketball locker room; however, the coach said that that was not true.

Sellers was also accused of using his badge to enter L’Anse Creuse High School - North on a weekend to use the bathroom, triggering a police response. He admits that he did that and has apologized, offering to pay any costs the district incurred. However, he has not been presented with a bill.

“I was elected because I had my own opinions that were different than theirs. I think that’s something that I try to appreciate and some of them don’t. I think they wanted me to go along with the flow and that’s just not going to go,” he said.

The board is also censuring him for discussing items in closed session. He said the closed sessions have been about him and that nothing should be closed. He wishes the ordeal would be aired publicly.

More: Macomb County news