Metro Detroit father trying find Good Samaritans who rescued 2-year-old daughter in I-94 crash

‘We appreciate you for everything,’ says Michael Hunter

It’s been a long road to recovery for 2-year old Micah, who was in a car involved in a crash on Interstate 94 in Romulus two months ago.

The car exploded, catching on fire. Fortunately, a group of Samaritans stepped in and got her to safety.

“I received a phone call, probably about 4:30 a.m. that my daughter was in a major car accident,” said Michael Hunter.

Hunter said that was June 12 on I-94 eastbound near Merriman Road in Romulus. Things got worse when he heard more about his 2-year-old daughter’s condition.

“That she might not make it. I rushed down to the hospital probably about 5 (a.m.), and she was responsive, she was in a neck brace, with two broken legs,” he said. “They said the car had exploded. Trooper Cheese, and I believe it was like five other Good Samaritans, I want to thank them for being the first on the scene to come to my baby’s rescue. They are truly God sent.”

His little girl Micah is doing much better now and is walking fine. He said since the accident, he’s been looking for the people whom he call his daughter’s guardian angels.

“I’d like to say Thank You. We love you, God love you. We love you. We appreciate you for everything,” said Hunter.

He’s praying and hoping that those Good Samaritans will come forward, so he can thank them in person.

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