Detroit attorney working to evacuate Afghans fleeing Taliban rule

Mission to save people in Afghanistan who helped America still ongoing

DETROIT – The 20-year Afghanistan War is over but there are still people who need help and want to leave the war-torn country.

“We want to make sure that those who helped us were able to get out safely and that’s what we’re kind of working on right now,” said attorney Mario Talerico.

Talerico said although the war is over the mission to save people in Afghanistan who helped America is still ongoing.

“Obviously, with the departure of the military, it has been a little more complicated to evacuate people, but our team of veterans, former DODs, civilians and professionals and various people who volunteer to help us, we are very relentless. We are not giving up,” said Talerico.

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Talerico is working with his aunt. Her name is Anna Talerico. She is a retried army major who served in Afghanistan and former Detroit paramedic.

She founded a medical clinic in the Afghan capital in 2012. Her friends were forced into hiding once the Taliban moved in.

“We’re certainly doing everything we can to help them out and get them out of the country immediately,” said Talerico.

They have already rescued many including a woman who worked at the clinic. She is currently living in the nation’s capital with her family.

“There are several hundred, so the clinic had 130 employees. As of date, we’ve evacuated just around 100. Our clinic still has several hundred who are still in the country,” said Talerico.

He said here in Michigan he’s raising funds and charter planes to assist with this mission.

“Because this is a self-funded, completely, private partnership, we’re receiving no support, in terms of financial support from the government. We need more help. We need more people who are willing to help us,” said Talerico.

How to Help

If you want to help donate to the mission, click here.