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Search warrants reveal scope of FBI raid at Detroit City Hall

Agents took thumb drives, documents and emails

DETROIT – What crimes was the FBI investigating when agents raided the Detroit City Council offices of Janeé Ayers and Scott Benson?

Local 4 News now has the answer to that question.

In search warrant documents obtained through FOIA by Robert Davis, it shows the federal government is looking at Ayers and Benson for the same things: Bribery concerning programs receiving federal funds, extortion or attempted extortion, mail and wire fraud, as well as conspiracy to commit these crimes.

Details: FBI raids Detroit city hall, council members’ homes as part of corruption probe

Read more: Detroit councilman Andre Spivey expected to be indicted on bribery charges

The feds detail a lengthy list of items which they were entitled to take including items pertaining not just to city business but campaign finance.

Further, the property receipts of what agents took includes numerous thumb drives, multiple towing documents and a variety of emails and documents both whole and shredded.

Attorney Steve Fishman, who has been retained by Benson, was not impressed by the document released Tuesday.

“The further you look, the less you see,” Fishman said.

Related: Gabe Leland pleads guilty to misconduct in office, resigns from Detroit City Council