OAKLAND COUNTY, Mich. – A Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) class has been taught at Oakland University for more than 30 years.
The class is meant to give women the skills to escape when they find themselves in a dangerous situation.
“I think one of the most important things that has ever happened to me in my 23-year career is when I receive a letter from a survivor that says, ‘What you taught me saved me,’” Oakland University Detective Shona Collins said.
That’s what keeps Collins coming back to teach the RAD class at the university.
“Growing up my grandmother once told my sister, ‘fight dirty because the guy’s not going to expect it.’ And that’s part of it,” patrol officer Bradley Beldo said.
The class teaches women was to escape when they’re being attacked or threatened. It includes things like taking a defensive stance.
The full class is six sessions, each session lasts for three hours. While the hope is that women will not have to use the skills they learn, the RAD instructors say it’s better to be prepared.
The class is open to all girls 12 and older. It doesn’t matter which city they live in.
Click here to learn more about the class.
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