DETROIT – There is a lot of coughing going around Metro Detroit this week. While it’s not unusual for this time of the year, given the ongoing COVID pandemic, the coughs are attracting more attention than they used to.
While coughing can be a symptom of COVID, there are several other illnesses going around than can cause a cough. Metro Detroit doctors and hospitals have reported a steady number of COVID-positive patients.
Read: More What’s Going Around coverage
Here’s what other viruses have been spreading across Metro Detroit:
Livingston County
- Respiratory illnesses
- Sore throats
- Coughs
Oakland County
- Stomach viruses
- Strep throat
- Sinus infections
- Croup
- Influenza
- Pink eye
Washtenaw County
- Asthma fare ups
- Burns and injuries from yard work
- Respiratory viruses
Macomb County
- Influenza
- Allergies and asthma fare ups
- Croup
- Sore throat
- Poison ivy rash
What should you do if you have a cough right now?
Get a COVID test. If your test is negative then you likely have one of the many other viral illnesses circulating right now.
Read: More health coverage