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The Safe and Secure Project: Teaching gun safety to adults, children

Group hosting safety class this weekend

There have been multiple reports of shootings involving children mishandling guns in the past few months. In most cases, the child was left unsupervised.

Three men are now tackling the issue head-on and hosting a gun safety class this weekend.

Chad King is an instructor with The Safe and Secure Project. He’s furious over the series of shootings involving a child.

“Rage. I say rage from the perspective of a parent, who owns firearms,” King said.

Recently, 27-year old Colby Vaughn Hardy was charged in connection with the shooting death of his 5-year-old son in January on Sturtevant Street in Detroit. Police said Hardy’s 18-month old nephew allegedly found the gun and shot his son in the face.

“The sad part about this is that every single one of these incidents is absolutely 100% preventable,” said King.

Spencer Johnson with The Safe and Secure Project said they had to do something.

“Unfortunately, it’s so many kids finding adults firearms that are unlocked and unsecured and easily accessible,” Johnson said.

The organization is hosting a gun safety class Sunday, Oct. 3, at Top Gun Shooting Sports Inc. in Taylor.

“It’s about an hour and half for a session. First half of the session is in a classroom setting. The kids will sit in there with the parents and talk about what you should do if you find a firearm,” said Johnson.

They want to share valuable information with the kids and parents.

“We have to bring that Taboo conversation to the light,” said Maliq Hicks with The Safe and Secure Project. “So, depending on the age group and the maturity level, because we all know our children, you most definitely want the children know that there’s a firearm in the home and let them know this firearm can cause harm.”

The organization said even though you should have that conversation with your children, you still should also lock up your gun.

For more information about the class, click here