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Oakland University president gifts $1M for student scholarships

Scholarships to assist ‘academically exceptional’ high school graduates

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ROCHESTER, Mich. – The president of Southeastern Michigan’s Oakland University has committed $1 million to the school for student scholarships.

OU President Ora Hirsch Pescovitz is gifting $1 million to the university with the goal of “fostering scholarly work and leadership skills of the next generation of community, civic and business leaders,” a press release read Monday. The scholarships, which will be provided through the newly-formed Pescovitz Presidential Scholarship Program, will go to “academically exceptional” high school graduates who “demonstrate intellectual vision and creativity, an ability to solve problems, and a commitment to improving their communities,” officials said.

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“We are committed to improving the quality of life in the region, and an essential part of that is to cultivate students’ potential and leadership abilities that will have a transformative impact on our communities,” Pescovitz said. “Oakland’s mission is built on the vital connection between students’ success and community success.

“With the anticipation of returning to campus for a new school year, and especially after the challenges our students overcame during last year’s pandemic pivot, we thought it was an exciting and appropriate time to announce this latest investment in our students,” Pescovitz added.

The scholarships will be available to students enrolling at the Rochester-based university beginning in the fall of 2022. Officials did not say how many scholarships will be offered each year or at what value.

Click here to see the entire press release.

Announcement of the scholarship program comes exactly one month after the university reached an agreement with faculty to end a brief strike over wages. The university says it proposed a pay increase over three years to all faculty members.

The university is also one of several Michigan institutions that has issued a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for on-campus students and faculty amid the ongoing pandemic.

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