Lawyer: Outgoing Pontiac mayor can’t serve on marijuana commission

Current mayor Deirdre Waterman appoints self to commission during meeting

PONTIAC, Mich. – Legislative counsel for the city of Pontiac says the outgoing mayor cannot serve on the city’s marijuana commission after appointing herself last week.

During a public meeting of the commission on Nov. 9, outgoing Pontiac Mayor Deirdre Waterman swore into the commission three individuals who she appointed, in addition to herself.

The meeting -- which was troubled for several reasons -- ended early on the advice of counsel. It was believed the meeting was in violation of the Open Meetings Act.

Now, legislative counsel for the city is saying Mayor Waterman is not allowed to appoint herself to the marijuana commission.

According to the counsel, Waterman is ineligible to serve on the Medical Marijuana Commission because the city’s charter says an elected official can’t sit on a commission that was created while they were in office until one year after they’ve left office.

Waterman has served as the city’s mayor since 2014. Pontiac voters elected Tim Greimel as their new mayor in the General Election on Nov. 2.

Previously: County judge rules Pontiac mayor’s name will remain off August primary ballot

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