
Ambassador Bridge reopens after week of protests in Windsor

Bridge has been closed due to blockade in Windsor

Cost of Ambassador Bridge shutdown is growing for automakers, workers

DETROIT – The busiest U.S.-Canada border crossing reopened late Sunday after protests against COVID-19 restrictions closed it for almost a week, the owner announced.

The bridge’s owner, Detroit International Bridge Co., said in a statement that “the Ambassador Bridge is now fully open allowing the free flow of commerce between the Canada and US economies once again.”

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Police in Windsor, Ontario, said earlier that more than two dozen people were peacefully arrested, seven vehicles were towed and five were seized near the bridge that links the city -- and numerous Canadian automotive plants -- with Detroit.

Only a few protesters had remained after police on Saturday persuaded demonstrators to move the pickup trucks and cars they had used to block a crossing that sees 25% of all trade between the two countries.

U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration on Sunday acknowledged the seemingly peaceful resolution to the demonstration, which it said had “widespread damaging impacts” on the “lives and livelihoods of people” on both sides of the border.

More: Windsor police arrest protesters that remained at Ambassador Bridge

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